Only regular inspection can ensure a reliable production process and high product quality. So play it safe and rely on our highly accurate factory calibration for all sensing devices and corresponding handheld displays used in your BERG clamping force gauges.
Over time, frequent use causes a degree of wear in the traction force sensors of a clamp force gauge. The clamping taper of a given tool interface can also be subject to wear due to incorrect clamping or heavy use. Therefore we recommend calibration after 12 months of use and no later than two years. During inspection we carry out visual and geometric test of the clamping force gauge and adjust the clamping force display to a calibrated measuring standard.
We perform inspections and measurements to ensure that your clamping force data remain reliable. Hereby you can continue to achieve your quality targets in the future.
Berg & Co. GmbH Spanntechnik
Mr. Olaf Dickewied
Gildemeisterstraße 80
33689 Bielefeld
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