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To our best sellers
With our wide range of services, we are at your side with advice and support to secure productivity and quality assurance in your production. Rely on manufacturer expertise and make the decision for our demand-oriented and fair services around the commissioning and repair of your BERG products. Also get to know our training courses. You will receive valuable product and practical knowledge so that you can profit the full potential of our clamping systems in future.
Create the best conditions for a productive future with BERG Spanntechnik!
With the choice between basic, comfort and premium variants, you decide yourself about the scope of service. The price is right and you get what you want. Of course, you can always book upgrades on top.
You are looking for fast and qualified solutions that work? Nothing could be easier. After all we are the best experts concerning our clamping technology. Take advantage of many practical tips for self-help.
Short decision-making processes, in-house production and a service team that only cares about you and your concerns – we are ready to act immediately to ensure that things run quickly, smoothly and non-bureaucratically for you.