Our flat-designed clamping heads and zero-point clamping systems are perfectly adapted to the interface between the machine table and pallet and are particularly suitable for automated pallet changing. They are equipped with a mechanical clamping gear with force amplification, which ensures the greatest possible fall protection for the pallet.
The optional equipment with a high-precision analogue sensor or alternatively with a firmly installed IO-Link sensor also offers the possibility of permanently monitoring the respective clamping position during machining. The sensors provide real-time data directly from the clamping system so that malfunctions and errors can be detected immediately. The direct monitoring of the clamping stroke also offers advantages in terms of pallet change times and cost efficiency compared to the usual indirect monitoring via the medium types pneumatic and hydraulic (e. g. by measuring the flow rates).
Our clamping heads with integrated sensors are ideal for use on highly dynamic rotary and swivel tables as well as in machining centres for vertical applications. They ensure the highest safety standards and contribute to reliable machining with high repeat accuracy and reduced rejects. They are therefore particularly suitable for high-value workpieces with long machining times.
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Customised product adaptation
100 % function check
Maintenance-free operation